An Audience
Elizabeth I, 1597
Una audiencia con
Queen Elizabeth I was sixty-five years old in 1597 and had reigned for
39 years. In December of that year Andre Hurault-Sieur de Maisse, the
French ambassador to Elizabeth's court, was granted an audience that he had
been seeking for some time. His report of the encounter provides an insight
into the private Queen that stands in stark contrast to Elizabeth's public
persona projected through her official portraits.
The French ambassador describes an aging, wrinkled, almost toothless
woman wearing a red wig and revealingly dressed. Compare this rendering with
a painting commissioned three years later known as the "Rainbow
Portrait." In this portrayal we see a Queen who is relatively young,
vibrant and the personification of strength. Politics, of course, provides an
explanation for the discrepancy. The "Virgin Queen" was now
approaching the end of her reign. She was childless and without a natural
heir. The portrayal of her as much younger than her actual age may have given
her a false vitality that deflected questions about the uncertain future of
her Crown.
El embajador francés
describe a una mujer avejentada, arrugada, prácticamente sin dientes, que
usaba una peluca pelirroja y vestía de manera sugerente. Es necesario
comparar esta descripción con un retrato encargado tres años más tarde
conocido como “El retrato del Arco Iris”. En esa pintura se observa una reina
relativamente joven, vibrante: la personificación de la fuerza. Evidentemente esta incongruencia se explica por motivos políticos. La “Reina Virgen” estaba llegando al
final de su reinado, no tenía hijos y no existía un heredero natural. Ser retratada mucho más joven de lo que
realmente era, podía haber dado la idea de una falsa vitalidad con el fin de dar por
tierra con la incertidumbre sobre el futuro de su corona.
"She was
strangely attired in a dress of silver cloth..."
"Estaba ataviada de manera extraña con un
vestido de tela plateada..."
The French emissary was pleasantly surprised when his request was
suddenly granted. Transported by boat up the Thames River to the Queen's palace,
de Maisse was ushered into an antechamber and, along with a number of other
expectant visitors, told to wait until summoned.
El emisario francés se
sorprendió gratamente cuando supo que su solicitud había sido súbitamente
concedida. De Maisse cruzó el río Támesis en bote hacia el palacio de
After some time the ambassador is approached by the Lord Chamberlain
and led to the Queen. We join his account as he enters the Queen's presence:
Luego de algún tiempo el
gentilhombre de cámara se acercó al embajador y lo condujo hasta donde se
"...He led me along a passage somewhat dark, into a chamber that
they call the Privy Chamber, at the head of which was the Queen seated in a
low chair, by herself, and withdrawn from all the Lords and Ladies that were
present, they being in one place and she in another. After I had made her my
reverence at the entry of the chamber, she rose and came five or six paces
towards me, almost into the middle of the chamber.
“…Èl me condujo a través de
un pasillo algo sombrío, hasta una recámara que ellos llamaban
I kissed the fringe of her robe and she embraced me with both hands.
She looked at me kindly, and began to excuse herself that she had not sooner
given me audience, saying that the day before she had been very ill with a
gathering on the right side of her face, which I should never have thought
seeing her eyes and face: but she did not remember ever to have been so ill
Besé la orla de su
vestido y ella me tomó por los hombros con ambas manos. Me observó con amabilidad, y empezó
excusándose por no haberme recibido en audiencia antes, diciéndome que el día
anterior se había encontrado muy enferma a causa de un absceso en el lado
derecho de su rostro, tanto que yo no hubiera reconocido esos ojos y rostro
como los de ella: que no recordaba haberse sentido tan enferma antes.
She was strangely attired in a dress of silver cloth, white and
crimson, or silver 'gauze', as they call it. This dress had slashed
sleeves lined with red taffeta, and was girt about with other little sleeves
that hung down to the ground, which she was for ever twisting and untwisting.
She kept the front of her dress open, and one could see the whole of her
bosom, and passing low, and often she would open the front of this robe with
her hands as if she was too hot. The collar of the robe was very high, and
the lining of the inner part all adorned with little pendants of rubies and
pearls, very many, but quite small. She had also a chain of rubies and pearls
about her neck. On her head she wore a garland of the same material and
beneath it a great reddish-colored wig, with a great number of spangles of
gold and silver, and hanging down over her forehead some pearls, but of no
great worth. On either side of her ears hung two great curls of hair, almost
down to her shoulders and within the collar of her robe, spangled as the top
of her head. Her bosom is somewhat wrinkled as well as one can see for the
collar that she wears round her neck, but lower down her flesh is exceeding
white and delicate, so far as one could see.
Estaba ataviada de
manera extraña con un vestido de tela plateada, blanca y carmesí, o 'gasa' plateada,
como lo llaman. El vestido tenía
mangas rasgadas forradas de tafetán rojo, y lo ceñían otras mangas más
pequeñas que colgaban hasta el piso, que ella enroscaba y desenroscaba sin
parar. En todo momento mantuvo la parte delantera de su vestido abierta, de
manera que uno podía ver su busto, y más hacia abajo, y a menudo abría el
frente de su capa con las manos como si sufriera demasiado el calor. El
cuello de la capa era muy alto, y el lino de su interior estaba adornado con
pendientes de rubíes y perlas en gran cantidad, pero de tamaño diminuto. También
lucía una cadena de rubíes y perlas en su cuello. Tocaba su cabeza una corona
fabricada con el mismo material, sobre una gran peluca pelirroja, con un gran
número de lentejuelas de oro y plata, y sobre su frente colgaban algunas
perlas, aunque no de gran valor. A ambos lados de sus orejas pendían dos
grandes rizos de cabello que casi le llegaban a los hombros y dentro del
cuello de la capa, al igual que la parte superior de su cabeza, con
lentejuelas. Su busto es algo arrugado, hasta donde se puede ver por el collar
que usa en el cuello, pero un poco más abajo su carne es por demás blanca y
delicada hasta donde uno alcanza a ver.
As for her face, it is and appears to be very aged.
It is long and thin, and her teeth are very yellow and unequal, compared with
what they were formerly, so they say, and on the left side less than on the
right. Many of them are missing so that one cannot understand her easily when
she speaks quickly. Her figure is fair and tall and graceful in whatever she
does; so far as may be she keeps her dignity, yet humbly and graciously
Con respecto al rostro,
está muy avejentado y así lo aparenta; es alargado y delgado, y sus dientes son
muy amarillos y desparejos comparados con lo que solían ser, dicen, y menos en el lado izquierdo que en el derecho. Ya no tiene muchos de
ellos de manera que resulta dificultoso entender sus palabras cuando habla
rápido. Su figura es hermosa y alta y graciosa en cada cosa que hace; tanto
como es posible mantiene su dignidad, mayormente con humildad y gracia."
The Ambassador's eyewitness account appears in: Maisse, Andre Hurualt, (G.B. Harrison and R.A. Jones eds.) De Maisse; a Journal of all that was accomplished by Monsieur de Maisse, ambassador in England from King Henri IV to Queen Elizabeth (1931); Johnson, Paul, Elizabeth I, a Study in Power and Intellect (1976).
This article was taken from:
"An Audience with Queen Elizabeth I, 1597," EyeWitness to
History, (2004).
El testimonio del embajador
aparece en: Maisse, Andre Hurualt, (G.B. Harrison y R.A. Jones eds.) De
Maisse; un diario de los logros de Monsieur de Maisse, embajador en
Inglaterra desde el Rey Enrique IV hasta
Este artículo fue tomado
"An Audience with Queen Elizabeth I, 1597," EyeWitness to
History, (2004).
Traducido por Alex Ferretti
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Una audiencia con la Reina Isabel I, 1597. Traducción.
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